When you have family members living all over the world, it can be tricky to keep track of time! This is our solution, which hangs on the wall of Simon's bedroom so he can keep track of his big brothers. We are usually going to bed when they are just getting up!
Here is Sean's letter from this week:
My companion, Elder Stone, always titles his emails with a song, so I figured I would start doing the same.
truly exists on the same wavelength that Win Butler of Arcade Fire
sings of when he says 'When the sun goes down, you head inside; but the
lights don't work, yeah nothing works, you say you don't mind, here
comes the night time'.
Literally every day, at like 6 pm
basically, everyone is off the streets, becuse it's starting to get dark
or cold. Cabo Verde is full of little funny things that people do that
make it so much fun. One thing that everyone here does is when you knock
on doors, they just shout 'QUEM?', which literally means 'who'. It's a
funny place, and I'm loving it. So, there's a little culture update for
The work here is slow but lots of fun. We mark so many
people for appointments and then they're like never there, which makes
it a lot of fun. However, just about everyone here is so friendly and
it's just so much fun to talk to people. People will never turn us down
basically when we ask them if we can come by and talk to them at their
homes, which is always a cool thing to hear. One highlight from this
week was when we spoke to a Nazarene lady, and Elder Stone asked her 'if
God told you to change churches, would you?' to which she replied,
'heck no, are you kidding me? My mom raised me in this church!'. We've
taught some really cool people here, and have extended a few invitations
to be baptized. Elder Stone was working with me one morning this week on
how to extend the invitation, and made me repeat it to him like what
felt like 80 times, so when I finally used it in a lesson, I felt like
such a boss.
A few highlights from this week:
morning, 2 of the Elders in our house decided they wanted oatmeal, so
Elder Stone and I embarked on a quest to find it, and what we came back,
which we thought would be LIKE oatmeal, ended up turning to basically
straight MUSH once we added hot water. It was pretty darn funny as we
all sat glumly eating our mush.
We played soccer this mornig,
just the four of us, on this little boxed in field up at a housing
complex called 'Casa Para Todos', or House for All, and we had a couple
of kids join in with us, and they ended up being way better than we were! We
went SO hard, and we were sweating pretty good by the end of it.
we've got a couple of promising lessons with a couple of investigators
who we feel really strongly about, so we're hoping it goes well. This
work is truly so much fun and I'm loving every single day here, and Maio
truly is the place to be.
I love all of y'all, keep being bosses and rad people!
Elder Massey

A classic Sean pose....if you only knew how many pictures we have of him in his classic Thinker pose....guess it translates in Portuguese as well!

Out in the streets of Maio...I think this must be Elder Stone (because Sean wears his watch on his right hand) Looks like they are popular with the little guys!
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